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January went about like we all expected. Trump smoked everybody in the GOP primary, no amount of money could stop it, and the money sure did try. But there is a takeaway! The sheer volume of money is not affecting races the way it used to.

Takeaway: Candidates, PACs, and other outside groups interested in shaping the way the public thinks cannot just throw money at advertising and expect to change public opinion, there is going to have to be a shift in tactics and in narrative to move opinions with an audience that has grown severely skeptical and hardened against paid advertising.

Perspective Strategies has been developing new strategies and techniques of communicating to the public in a much more authentic manner with some exciting announcements to come.

At the end of the day, AFP spent $26.8M in January, $26.1M of it supporting Gov. Haley’s Presidential bid.

SFA Fund, the Super PAC supporting Haley, spent $20.1M in January, $9.8M in direct support of Haley, $9.1M opposing DeSantis, and $1.1M opposing Trump.

$46.2M…that’s the amount spent in JANUARY to assist Haley…and it didn’t make any difference.

$79,988,767, that’s how much has been spent supporting Haley since the start of the race. When you add in the $25M that SFA Fund has spent opposing other candidates, more than 1/3 of all spending has gone to help Gov. Haley.

Last data point $50M MORE has been spent to help Haley than the next closest candidate, DeSantis.

$310M in total has already been spent by Super PACs on the Presidential.

This is what the spending on the Presidential candidates looks like since the beginning of the cycle.

This is a visual of the spending on the Presidential per Super PAC since the beginning of the cycle.

Perspective Strategies is using these insights and unique data sets to run the most effective and engaging advocacy campaigns in the country. Almost every organization would benefit from the assistance of a separate entity reenforcing messaging and outreach. 501(c)3 (c)4, and Super PACs are agile and effective vehicles for creating influential advocacy. If these types of vehicles could give your advocacy a boost, reach out to find out how we do it.
Per usual, as a part of the updates, if you know of others who would like to receive these spending updates, they can now signup at

These numbers are being generated by the 527tracker, a data platform developed by Perspective Strategies that aggregates, analyzes, and alerts to all federal Super PAC spending in real time. If these types of numbers or analysis are important to you, or if you are on a campaign and need real-time spending alerts, go check out the dashboard.

Information is anticipation. 527tracker makes sure you have it all.

Our proprietary software tracks and alerts you to every dime of Super PAC spending in realtime, even the invisible spends of mail, canvassing, print, etc.

Learn more